Inspired art around the globe.

-Life in northwest Oklahoma has no shortage of visual inspiration that will move an artist's soul.-

Larry K. Hill captures moments in time using visual storytelling methods of paintings, repurposed materials, and just about anything that an artist can bind to a creation. Truly extraordinary and unique, his art is something motivational.

Make time to join classess and art viewings at Larry K. Hill Studios in Woodward, OK.

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LKH Original Art Sales

Original watercolor paintings, Hand-painted watercolor art, Buy watercolor artwork, Unique watercolor creations,... 

  • An image of a scissortail bird delicately painted on a piece of natural selenite crystal and adorned with tumbled glass pieces

    Original Artworks created with unconventional materials

    Inspiration can come from anywhere and can take many forms...

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  • Inspire and Be Inspired

    Whatever form it takes, inspiration is what drives us to create and push the limits of what is possible...

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  • A Bright Subject

    This exclusive and limited edition artwork will captivate and inspire you with its stunning, striking, bold, vibrant, expressive, and evocative design.

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